Norwegian Buhund Club of Canada (NBCC)
This Code of Ethics is set forth to protect and advance the interests of the Norwegian Buhund in Canada and to encourage sportsmanlike competition at dog shows and all other dog sports and events, including a respect for people and dogs regardless of location or circumstances.
Its purpose is to encourage the improvement and preservation of the breed through selective breeding, recognition of the original purpose of the breed as a working dog and an acceptance of the Canadian Kennel Club breed standard as the ultimate standard.
Norwegian Buhund Club of Canada members are to adhere to this code when buying, breeding, judging, selling and competing with their Norwegian Buhunds. Members should make their knowledge and experience available to the novice owners. The Norwegian Buhund Club of Canada encourages all members to exceed all practices set forth in this code of ethics.
General Conduct Of Members
• Abide by the Constitution and Bylaws of the Norwegian Buhund Club of Canada, the Canadian Kennel Club and the Animal Pedigree Act.
• Treat all other members of the Norwegian Buhund Club of Canada with respect and understanding. At no time shall any member of the NBCC harass or be slanderous of any other member. Harassment and all types of defamation of character and or any threatening behavior, be it spoken, written, or in any form of electronic media will not be tolerated. This type of behavior is detrimental to the breed, the club and its members. Any member found harassing or damaging any club member or the club itself shall be given fair warning and dealt with in the manner set out in the NBCC Constitution and Bylaws. All members should be respectful of the efforts and opinions of others, affording others the respect that they themselves would expect. It is further understood that a member acting on behalf of another person, be it a member or non-member is responsible for their actions as if they were their own.
• Maintain the best accepted, reasonable and responsible standards of canine health, hygiene, feeding, care and training.
• Raise their Norwegian Buhunds with the highest possible level of positive human interaction and socialization to encourage the development of a proper balanced temperament.
• Maintain their Norwegian Buhund’s condition, health and living quarters in a manner that is above reproach.
• Not relinquish a Norwegian Buhund to an animal shelter. Every attempt must be made to contact the original breeder. If this is not possible, obtain help from other NBCC members in properly placing the dog.
• Not sell, place or consign any Norwegian Buhund to a commercial facility, business or agent thereof. Third party sales are not allowed.
• All breeding stock shall be registered with the Canadian Kennel Club or a club recognized by the Canadian Kennel Club. All Norwegian Buhunds born in Canada must be registered with the CKC.
• Breeding should only be done with the intention of improving the breed.
• Breeders should educate themselves on the Norwegian Buhund, CKC breed standard and breed dogs conforming to said standard.
• Breeders should aim to be breeding for healthy, sound dogs with type that display sound temperament and qualities and that are free of severe or disqualifying faults.
• All Breeders should utilize available health tests for the breed in an effort to minimize or eliminate the occurrence of potential genetic defects. At a minimum hips and elbows should be evaluated by OFA and eyes should be evaluated using a CAER test by a certified canine ophthalmologist (or an appropriate clearance from the dog’s country of residency for dogs outside of Canada and the US).
•Members shall not use bitches for breeding until they are at least 24 months of age. A normal bitch (i.e. having a six-month cycle) should not be bred more than 2 out of 3 consecutive seasons unless so directed by a licensed veterinarian.
•To the best of their ability evaluate puppies and dogs and the perspective placement homes for compatibility to strive for lifelong placements.
•To the best of their ability verify that the people with whom they placed puppies/dogs with will provide a suitable home and be responsible owners.
• If a puppy buyer is unable for whatever reason to keep their Norwegian Buhund, all breeders should make sure that those dogs either come back to the breeder’s home or are placed in appropriate homes.
• Conduct all business dealings regarding breeding and the placement of puppies or dogs with honesty, completeness and clarity to the best of their ability.
• All breeders should conduct business with a comprehensive written contract to avoid misconceptions and confusion at the time of the transaction and in the future and making sure that the contract is understood at the time of sale is a matter of best conduct.
All puppies leaving the breeder’s possession should be at least eight (8) weeks old, be identified by a microchip or tattoo and have received a health examination by a veterinarian.
• All puppies from any litter born in Canada must be Permanently identified with a microchip or tattoo and be registered with the Canadian Kennel Club. Breeders must keep accurate records, as required by the Canadian Kennel Club, including records of all breedings, whelpings, identification of dogs and pedigrees..
Any member of the NBCC who in the opinion of the Board of Directors contravenes this Code of Ethics may be subject to reprimand, suspension or expulsion from the NBCC as provided for in the club Constitution and Bylaws.