Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Type Of Application *New Membership ApplicationMembership RenewalPlease choose membership type: *Ordinary Membership $25Household Membership $30Provisional Membership $25Junior Membership $10Name: *Mailing Address: *Phone Number: *Email Address: *Website (if applicable)Kennel Name (if applicable)Please list areas of interest, for example, conformation, performance, breeding, companion pet, etc. *Are you interested in being on any committees? *YesNoIf you answered yes above, which committees are you interested in?Did someone refer you to the club? If yes, who was the member who referred you?I have read the Code of Ethics, Constitution and Bylaws of the Norwegian Buhund Club of Canada and I agree to abide by the Code of Ethics, Constitution and By-laws of the Norwegian Buhund Club Of Canada and am in good standing with the Canadian Kennel Club. *YesNoHow are you paying? *Etransfer (sent to (contact us for mailing address)Submit